- Mon - FRI: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
One Health Commercial Association (OHCA) represents UK businesses with innovative solutions that addresses the 'Wicked Problems' of Antimicrobial Resistance, Biodiversity Loss, Climate Change, Communicable Diseases, Food Insecurity, or Non-Communicable Diseases.
OHCA is the UK premier trade association representing the UK One Health industry and helping businesses discover and embed a One Health Approach in their corporate and operational DNA.
We ensure the voice of our members are heard, as relevant government policies and strategies are developed, and the UK regulatory, political and social climate are shaped. We foster innovation, support our members to thrive nationally, and grow internationally. We leverage a range of platforms to commercially promote our members' products and services.
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognises that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development. (OHHLEP).
Our vision is to create a greener, healthier, and safer world, and support businesses to achieve an impact-orientated sustainable future.